12. i 13. Siječnja 2021. godine održana je uvodna konferencija vezana za provedbu Erasmus+ projekta pod nazivom OPPORTUNITY. HSTIS se tom prilikom predstavio, uz ostale partnere, a u nastavku su predstavljene prve aktivnosti koje su pred nama.
Kick-off meeting of the Opportunity Erasmus + Project | On 12nd and 13th January 2021 the European Opportunity project team, made up of 9 partners from 7 countries (Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Croatia, Poland and Tunisia), held the Kick-Off Meeting to start work focusing on the objective of promoting the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities and equal opportunities from a gender perspective through traditional sports games.
In this meeting each partner has presented its organization, the main actions of the project have been reviewed and the way to coordinate. The Opportunity Erasmus + project has the support of the European Commission of 382,536 euros. Beginning January 2021 Ending December 2023.